Main engine is out of power.

Cause analysis


Check whether the power cable is properly connected

Check whether the power supply and the power socket of the testing machine are faulty

Whether the fuse in the electrical outlet is present or blown

Whether the emergency stop switch is pressed

Unscrew the scram switch again

The main engine is powered, but the machine is not moving
Cause analysistroubleshooting

The power supply voltage is normal

Add a stabilized power supply to measure voltage stability

Check whether the sensor connector is properly connected, and there is a weak value display

Reinsert the sensor

Whether the keypad is out of order or whether the cable has fallen off

Test whether the key function of the small keyboard is intact

The communication line between the computer and the host is in poor contact

Reconnect the communication line

Whether the parameters of DSP system and servo system are well adjusted

Check the parameter Settings

Whether the limit device is normal

Reset the limit block position

The switching power supply voltage is normal

Measure the voltage at each point of the switching power supply

Whether to press the keypad immediately after turning on the host power

After powering on the host, wait 20 seconds before pressing the keypad

Whether the wires in the testing machine are all inserted tightly

Press and insert the wire again

Whether the hardware parameters in the testing machine are lost

Re-enter the hardware parameters of the testing machine

Open the boot cover and observe whether the server reports an error message

If Error is displayed, the server is faulty and needs to be restarted

The speed is not consistent with that of the computer
Cause analysistroubleshooting

Whether the hardware parameters (deceleration ratio, screw pitch, maximum speed, keyboard control speed) of the memory in the DSP system are consistent with the Settings in the software

If not, first check the machine hardware parameters in the computer is correct, if correct, then re-input the machine hardware parameters

The power supply is the standard 220V/380V power supply

Add a stabilized power supply to measure voltage stability

The force suddenly decreases by half
Cause analysistroubleshooting

Whether the force sensor model is selected correctly

Reselect the sensor channel number in the software

Force calibration parameters have not been changed

Recalibrate the force value

Whether the magnification of the force sensor has changed

Reset the magnification of the force sensor

Computer display "overload"
     Cause analysis      troubleshooting

Whether the communication line between the computer and the testing machine has fallen off or whether the communication line is intact


Whether the testing machine is grounded and whether the computer is grounded with the testing machine


Whether the connector of the sensor is fully connected

Reinsert the sensor

If there are several sensors, whether the correct sensor is selected to enter the program

Re-enter the software and select the correct sensor number

Whether to switch the machine in accordance with the order of "first open the testing machine and then enter the computer software"

Restart the software in order

Whether to arbitrarily change the calibration value during calibration

Recalibrate the force value

Whether the sensor has been bumped

What is the initial force when the sensor is turned on?The appearance of the sensor is obviously deformed?Please call our service hotline

The following methods can be used to determine whether the overload is caused by software communication or due to hardware crash

Turn off the testing machine, the software is online after offline, and the computer is displayed normally

The voltage at the switching power supply is abnormal

Add a stabilized power supply

Whether there is virtual welding at each welding point (load channel), and whether there is a break point at each welding point of the slingshot curve


Whether the quality of the user's socket board is in good condition

Try replacing a plugboard

Whether the power supply at the user is ±10% of the normal voltage (220V/380V)

Check the power supply. If the power supply is abnormal, add a stabilized power supply

Check whether the power grid at the customer is properly connected

Consult the electrician at the customer's office

Sensor damage

If there is an extensometer at the user, the extensometer is inserted into the sensor interface to determine if the sensor is damaged?If damaged, please call the service hotline

The sensor model is selected correctly

Re-enter the software and select the correct sensor number

The force value jumps around zero, but there is no response to the application of force
   Cause analysis   troubleshooting

Caused by fixture slipping

Consider the clamping of the fixture

A timeout occurred while online
    Cause analysis   troubleshooting

Whether to turn on the power supply of the host or turn on the power supply of the host immediately

First power on the host and wait 20 seconds to connect

Whether the device is powered on in the normal startup sequence

First open the testing machine, then open the computer and then connect the software

An overflow occurred while online. Procedure
    Cause analysis   troubleshooting

Whether the force and extensometer are selected in the on-line window

Select the force and extensometer before connecting

The test is stopped before the specimen is completely torn or stripped or stretched open
     Cause analysis      troubleshooting

The test scheme of the software is not set correctly

The load decay rate can be removed

There is a plateau at the beginning of the curve
      Cause analysis   troubleshooting

The specimen is not clamped

Reclamp the sample

The inlet load of the test is set too small

Let's make it bigger and filter out this data

No curve was seen during the test

      Cause analysis


Whether the deformation sensor selected in the test scheme is consistent with the graphic coordinate of the main screen

Set consistent in the test scheme

Whether the result box is maximized

Double click the result box to minimize it

The resulting data is not calculated based on user parameters

     Cause analysis


Whether the standard formula of weaving test is correct

Modify the test standard formula

Whether the entered user parameters are confirmed

After entering a user parameter, click on another square with the mouse to confirm it

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